• Custom - You may choose the components you want to install. Recommended for ad-
vanced users only.
• Complete - Forfull installation of theproduct. All BitDefendermodules will beinstalled.
If you select Typical or Complete you will skip step 5.
5. If you have selected Custom, a new window will appear containing all the BitDefender
components listed so that you may select the ones you would like to install.
If youclick any componentname, a shortdescription (including theminimum space required
on the hard disk) will appear on the right side. If you click any component icon a window
will appear where you can choose to install or not the selected module.
You can select the folder where you want to install the product. The default folder is
C:\Program Files\Softwin\BitDefender 9.
If you want to select another folder, click Browse and in the window that will open, select
the folder you wish BitDefender to be installed in. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
7. You have four options selected by default:
• Update BitDefender - to update BitDefender at the end of the installation. Your system
must be connected to the Internet to update.
• Scan the Windows system folder - to scan the Windows system folder at the end of the
• Open readme file - to open the readme file at the end of the installation.
• Place a shortcut on the desktop - to place a shortcut to BitDefender on your desktop at
the end of the installation.
Click Install in order to begin the installation of the product.
8. Click Finish to complete the product installation. If you have accepted the default settings
for the installation path, a new folder named Softwin is created in Program Files and
it contains the subfolder BitDefender 9.
Youmay beasked to restartyour systemso that thesetup wizardcan complete theinstallation
BitDefender 9 Standard installation