• Updates for the antivirus engines - as new threats appear, the files containing virus signa-
tures must be updated to ensure permanent up-to-date protection against them. This update
type is also known as Virus Definitions Update.
• Updates forthe antispywareengines - newspyware signatureswill be addedto thedatabase.
This update type is also known as Antispyware Update.
• Product upgrades - when a new product version is released, new features and scan tech-
niques areintroduced to theeffect of improvingthe product's performance.This update type
is also known as Product Update.
Moreover, from the user's intervention viewpoint, we may take into account:
• Automatic update - the antivirus automatically contacts the BitDefender server in order to
check if an update was released. If so, BitDefender is updated automatically. The automatic
update canalso be doneanytime you wantby clicking Updatenow from theUpdate module.
• Manual update - you must download and install the latest virus&spyware definitions
BitDefender modules
Description and