Enter password
Typein the passwordin the Passwordfield, re-type
it in the Retype password field and click OK.
From now on, if you want to change the BitDefender configuration options, you will be
asked to introduce the password.
If you forgot the password you will have to repair the product in order to modify the BitDe-
fender configuration.
• Load BitDefender when Windows starts - automatically launches BitDefender at system
We recommend you to keep this option selected.
• Start minimized - minimizesthe BitDefender management consoleafter it has been loaded
at system startup. Only the BitDefender Icon will appear in the system tray.
• Receive security notifications - receives from time to time security notifications regarding
virus outbreaks, sent by the BitDefender server.
• Send virus reports - sends to the BitDefender Labs reports regarding viruses identified in
your computer. It helps us keep track of virus-outbreaks.
The reports will contain no confidential data, such as your name, IP address or others, and
will not be used for commercial purposes. The information supplied will contain only the
virus name and will be used solely to create statistic reports.
• Show on-screen notes - shows pop-up windows regarding the product status.
• Enable multiuser support - allows other users that may be using this computer to have
their own settings for BitDefender.
General module