
This means that sending one of these commands can change the value set
previously by another one of these commands. Often, this results in
“Settings Conflict” errors when the program executes. To prevent these
errors these commands must be executed in a “Coupling Group”. Refer to
Chapter 2 for information on executing coupled commands.
Linking Commands Linking IEEE 488.2 Common Commands.
Use a semicolon between the commands. For example:
Linking Multiple SCPI Commands.
Use a semicolon (;) and a colon (:) to link commands within different
subsystems. For example:
Commands within the same subsystem are linked with a semicolon(;). For
SCPI Command Reference
This section describes the SCPI commands for the Agilent E1446A
Summing Amplifier/DAC. Since the E1446A amplifier can be a servant of
either the Agilent E1445A Arbitrary Function Generator or the Agilent
E1405 Command Module, the section has been divided into three parts:
Agilent E1446A/Agilent E1445A Command Reference
(Agilent E1446A is a servant to the Agilent E1445A)
Agilent E1446A/Agilent E1405 Command Reference
(Agilent E1446A is a servant to the Agilent E1405)
IEEE-488.2 Common Commands
(same for either commander (Agilent E1445A or Agilent E1405)
In each part the commands are listed alphabetically by subsystem and
alphabetically within each subsystem. A command guide is printed in the
top margin of each page. The guide indicates the first command listed on
that page.
3-6 Command Reference SCPI Command Reference