170 WAIT .1 !allow interrupt to be serviced
180 OFF INTR 7
190 END
200 !
210 SUB Diffout
220 Diffout: !Subprogram which sets up the E1445A and E1446A
230 COM @Afg
240 OUTPUT @Afg;"SOUR:FREQ1:FIX 1E3;"; !frequency
250 OUTPUT @Afg;":SOUR:FUNC:SHAP SQU;"; !function
260 OUTPUT @Afg;":SOUR:VOLT:LEV:IMM:AMPL MIN;"; !amplitude (.161869 Vpk)
270 OUTPUT @Afg;":OUTP:LOAD:AUTO ON;"; !couple load to impedance
280 OUTPUT @Afg;":OUTP:IMP 50" !impedance
290 !
300 !Set up the Agilent E1446A
310 OUTPUT @Afg;"INP1:IMP 50" !input impedance
320 OUTPUT @Afg;"INP1:ATT 30" !input attenuation (dB)
330 OUTPUT @Afg;"OUTP3:IMP 50" !Diff + output impedance
340 OUTPUT @Afg;"OUTP4:IMP 50" !Diff - output impedance
350 !
360 OUTPUT @Afg;"INIT:IMM" !E1445A wait-for-arm state
380 !
390 SUB Rst
400 Rst: !Subprogram which resets the E1445A and E1446A
410 COM @Afg
420 OUTPUT @Afg;"*RST;*OPC?" !reset the AFG
430 ENTER @Afg;Complete
450 !
460 SUB Errmsg
470 Errmsg: !Subprogram which displays E1445/E1446 programming errors
480 COM @Afg
490 DIM Message$[256]
500 !Read AFG status byte register and clear service request bit
510 B=SPOLL(@Afg)
520 !End of statement if error occurs among coupled commands
530 OUTPUT @Afg;""
540 OUTPUT @Afg;"ABORT" !abort output waveform
560 OUTPUT @Afg;"SYST:ERR?" !read AFG error queue
570 ENTER @Afg;Code,Message$
580 PRINT Code,Message$
590 UNTIL Code=0
600 STOP
2-28 Programming the Agilent E1446A Using the Differential (small signal) Outputs