3. Set the AFG frequency, function, and amplitude.
[SOURce:]FREQuency[1][:CW|:FIXed] <frequency>
[SOURce:]FUNCtion[:SHAPe] <shape>
4. Couple the AFG output load value to the output impedance value.
OUTPut[1]:LOAD:AUTO <mode>
OUTPut[1]:IMPedance <impedance>
5. Set the amplifier input impedance to match the AFG output load.
INPut[1]:IMPedance <impedance>
INPut2:IMPedance <impedance>
6. Set the amplifier input attenuation.
INPut[1]:ATTenuation <attenuation>
INPut2:ATTenuation <attenuation>
7. Set the amplifier ’Diff +’ output impedance.
OUTPut3:IMPedance <impedance>
8. Place the AFGs in the wait-for-arm state.
2 !The following program uses the E1446A to sum the output signals of
3 !two E1445As. The E1445A at secondary address 10 (logical address 80)
4 !outputs a 1 Vpp, 5 kHz sine wave. The E1445A at secondary address 11
5 !(logical address 88) outputs a 1 Vpp, 100 kHz sine wave. To prevent
6 !the E1445A signals from drifting, both AFG’s use CLK10 as their
7 !reference oscillator source. The E1446A sums these signals, and the
9 !output is taken at the ’Diff +’ output.
10 !
Continued on Next Page
2-32 Programming the Agilent E1446A Summing Two Signals