700 STOP
710 END IF
720 !
730 !Read AMP (at sec addr 11) status byte register, clear service
740 !request bit
750 B=SPOLL(@Amp)
760 IF BIT(B,6) THEN !amplifier requested service
770 !End of statement if error occurs among coupled commands
780 OUTPUT @Amp;""
790 PRINT "E1446A errors"
820 OUTPUT @Amp;"SYST:ERR?" !read AMP error queue
830 ENTER @Amp;Code,Message$
840 PRINT Code,Message$
850 UNTIL Code=0
860 END IF
870 STOP
Summing Two Signals
This program uses the E1446A to sum the signals from two E1445A AFGs.
The AFGs at logical addresses 80 and 88 (secondary GPIB addresses 10 and
11), generate 1 Vpp, 5 kHz and 100 kHz sine waves respectively. The signal
from the AFG at logical address 80 is applied to E1446A ’Input 1’. The
signal from the AFG at logical address 88 is applied to ’Input 2’. The
E1446A is in the servant area of the AFG at logical address 80.
The steps of the program are as follows:
1. Reset the E1445A AFGs and E1446A amplifier.
2. Set the E1445As’ reference oscillator sources to CLK10.
[SOURce:]ROSCillator:SOURce <source>
Summing Two Signals Programming the Agilent E1446A 2-31