
Example Query macro definition
*GMC? "RESTART" Query macro definition
*IDN? returns identification information for the E1446A. The response consists of
four fields:
The first two fields identify this instrument as model number E1446A manufactured
by Agilent Technologies. The third field is 0 since the serial number of the E1446A is
unknown to the firmware. The last field indicates the revision level of the firmware.
Note The firmware revision field will change whenever the firmware is revised. A.01.00
is the initial revision. The first two digits indicate the major revision number, and
increment when functional changes are made. The last two digits indicate bug fix
Comments Executable when initiated: Yes
Coupling group: none
*RST Condition: none
*LMC? returns a comma-separated list of quoted strings, each containing the name
of a macro. If no macros are defined, a single null string ("") is returned.
Executable when initiated: Yes
Coupling group: none
Related Commands: *DMC
*RST Condition: none
Power-On Condition: no macros are defined
IEEE-488.2 Common Commands Command Reference 3-29