Table B-1. Agilent E1446A Error Messages
Code Message Description
-101 Invalid character Unrecognized character in parameter.
-102 Syntax error Command is missing a space or comma between
-103 Invalid separator Parameter is separated by a character other than a
-104 Data type error The wrong data type (number, character, string,
expression) was used when specifying the parameter.
-108 Parameter not allowed Parameter specified in a command which does not
require one.
-109 Missing parameter Command requires a parameter(s).
-112 Program mnemonic too long Command keyword > 12 characters
-113 Undefined header Command header (keyword) was incorrectly specified.
-121 Invalid character in number A character other than a comma or number is in the
middle of a number.
-123 Numeric overflow A parameter value is greater than what can be
represented with the number format.
-124 Too many digits More than 256 digits were used to specify a number.
-128 Numeric data not allowed A number was specified when a letter was required.
-131 Invalid suffix Parameter suffix incorrectly specified (e.g. VO rather
than VP).
-138 Suffix not allowed Parameter suffix is specifed when one is not allowed.
-141 Invalid character data Discrete parameter specified is not a valid choice.
-144 Character data too long A segment or sequence name is too long, or a
discrete parameter is > 12 characters. Segment and
sequence names must be 12 characters or less.
-148 Character data not allowed Discrete parameter was specified when another type
(e.g. numeric, boolean) is required.
-158 String data not allowed A string was specified when another parameter type
(i.e. discrete, numeric, boolean) is required.
-161 Invalid block data The number of bytes in a definite length data block
does not equal the number of bytes indicated by the
block header.
-168 Block data not allowed Block data was specified when another parameter
type (i.e. discrete numeric, boolean) is required.
B-2 Agilent E1446A Error Messages