
Example Programs
The program listings in this section are BASIC programs in
LOAD/STORE format and are contained on the example programs disk
Agilent P/N E1446-10031. GET/SAVE versions of these programs are
on example programs disk Agilent P/N E1446-10032.
The examples in this section include:
Amplifying a Sine Wave
Setting the (amplifier) Input Impedance
Setting a DC Voltage Offset
Using the Differential (small signal) Outputs
Summing Two Signals
The programs in this section are the same as those in Chapter 2.
However, the amplifer is programmed at the register level using the
flowchart of Figure C-4 . Note also that the amplifier is in the servant
area of the E1480A V/360 controller, and not in the servant area of the
E1445A (see below).
The register-based programs in this section were developed using the
following system configuration:
Controller: Agilent E1480A V/360 Embedded Controller
(select code 16)
Mainframe: Agilent 75000 Series C
Slot 0/Resource Manager: Agilent E1480A V/360
E1446A Logical Address: 88
E1445A Logical Address: 80
E1445A Servant Area: 0
Communication between the controller and E1445A/E1446A is through
paths 1 and 4 mentioned under "Using an Embedded Controller" in
Chapter 1.
Example Programs Register-Based Programming C-17