*TST? causes the E1446A to execute its internal self-test and return a value
indicating the results of the test. Only communication between the command
module and the on-card registers is tested.
A zero (0) response indicates that the self-test passed. A one (1) response indicates
that the test failed. The failure also generates an error message with additional
information on why the test failed.
When the test completes, all other commands are restored to their current values
when the E1446A is used with the E1405/06. When the E1446A is used with the
E1445A, the commands are set to their *RST values.
• Executable when initiated: No
• Coupling group: none
• *RST Condition: none
*WAI causes the E1446A to wait for all pending commands to complete before
executing any further commands.
• Executable when initiated: Yes
• Coupling group: none
• Related commands: *OPC, *OPC?
• *RST Condition: none
3-34 Command Reference IEEE-488.2 Common Commands