Computer Configurations
This section contains performance and functional information on the
computer configurations that can be used with register-based
Throughput Speed Throughput speed is based on the amount of command parsing and
whether the registers are accessed from the VXI backplane or from the
GPIB. The computer configurations which allow faster throughput
relative to each other are summarized below:
1. Agilent E1480A V/360 Controller with READIO and WRITEIO
(register access is from VXI backplane).
2. E1405/06 IBASIC absolute addressing with READIO and
WRITEIO (register access is from VXI backplane).
3. E1405/06 IBASIC select code 8 with READIO and WRITEIO
(register access is from VXI backplane).
4. External Computer using DIAG:PEEK? and DIAG:POKE
(register access is over GPIB).
5. External Computer using VXI:READ? and VXI:WRITE
(register access is over GPIB).
(C-Size Systems)
The fastest throughput is achieved using an embedded computer such as
the Agilent E1480 V/360. The embedded computer allows you to access
the amplifier registers from the VXIbus backplane, and since READIO
and WRITEIO are used, there is no parsing of SCPI command headers.
When the E1446A amplifier is programmed using the E1405/06
Command Module’s Instrument BASIC (IBASIC), two methods of
accessing the registers are through absolute addressing or using select
code 8.
Absolute Addressing and Select Code 8
Absolute addressing is faster than select code 8 since the complete
register address (including the A16 starting location 1FC000
) is
specified. When select code 8 is used, the IBASIC processor must
calculate the complete register address based on the logical address
specified (Table C-1).
C-4 Register-Based Programming Computer Configurations