Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
3.63 HDC
DHDM Conguration
HDC DHDM Conguration
WhentheDualSD/HD-SDImoduleispresent, theHDCcommandspecieshowthecard is
being used. The module can be used to support a Dual Link setup or have two independent
dual link setup where the 'A' channel on the module is the primary video channel or the selection
can be made to have the 'B' channel as the primary video in a dual link format. P1 is the Option
Value Conguration
0 Two Single HD Channels
1 Dual Link, Channel A Primary
2 Dual Link, Channel B Primary
(HDC22) SetcongurationonOptionslot2tobe:DualLink,ChannelB
(HDC?2) Requestcongurationforslot2only;returns(HDC!002002)for
above setting.
(HDC?) Requestcongurationforeitherslot;returns(HDC!001000)
(HDC! 002 002) if cards exist in both slots.
HDD DHDM Dual Link Format
serial input by combining the separate SDI inputs to allow a higher bandwidth / higher resolution
the Dual Link source. This command is only available when the module is present and is only
and Parameter 2 the value to select the desired format.
Value Selected Format
0 4:4:4 RGB 10bit
1 4:4:4 YCrCb 10bit
(HDD21) Congureslot2toaccept4:4:4YCrCb10bitDualLinkVideo
(HDD?2) Requestcurrentcongurationforslot2only;fromabovethiswould
return (HDD 001)
(HDD?) Request Dual Link format for the main video.
(HDD? p) Request Dual Link format for the pip video.
3.64 HDD
DHDM Dual Link Format