The TPA6011A4 Audio Power Amplifier Evaluation Module
3.2 The TPA6011A4 Audio Power Amplifier Evaluation Module
The TPA6011A4 audio power amplifier evaluation module is powered by a
TPA6011A4 stereo power amplifier capable of delivering greater than 2 W of
continuous power per channel into 3-Ω loads. The amplifier IC can be operated
in either the BTL or single-ended output mode. The evaluation module
includes control inputs for shutdown, selection between two sets of stereo
inputs, and switching between single-ended and bridge-tied load output
The module can be used with the TI plug-n-play audio amplifier evaluation
platform (Figure 3–1) or wired directly into circuits or equipment. The module
has single in-line header connector pins mounted to the under side of the
board. These pins allow the module to be plugged into the TI platform, which
automatically makes all the signal input and output, power, and control
connections to the module.
The module connection pins are on 0.1-inch centers to allow easy use with
standard perf board and plug board-based prototyping systems. Or, the EVM
can be wired directly into existing circuits and equipment when used
The module appears in Figure 3–2 and its schematic is shown in Figure 3–3.
Figure 3–2. TPA6011A4 EVM