Purpose of this manual
This manual is the service manual Vol.1 of the DME Switcher DFS-700/700P and
their optional boards.
The service manuals (Vol.1 and Vol.2) are intended for use by trained system and
service engineers, and describes the information on installing, maintenance, and
detailed service.
This manual (Vol.1) describes the operating instructions, service overviews,
diagnosis, and electrical alignment.
Related manuals
Besides this Service Manual Vol.1, the following manuals are available for the
. Service Manual Vol.2
Part No. 9-967-898-01 (for J, UC, CE)
Contains the spare parts, semiconductor pin assingments, block diagrams,
schematic diagrams, and board layouts.
. “Semiconductor Pin Assignments” CD-ROM (available on request)
This “Semiconductor Pin Assignments” CD-ROM allows you to search for
semiconductors used in Communication System Solutions Network Company equipment.
Semiconductors that cannot be searched for on this CD-ROM are listed in the service
manual for the corresponding unit. The service manual contains a complete list of all
semiconductors and their ID Nos., and thus should be used together with the CD-ROM.
Part number: 9-968-546-XX
This manual is organized by following sections.
Section 1 Operating Instructions
This section describes the Operation Manual supplied with the DFS-700/700P.
Section 2 Service Overview
This section explains the information that is required for installing (the operating
conditions, power supply and power cords, installaion of the optional board, rack
mounting, adaptive connectors), outline of the board circuit, replacement of the parts,
switch setting on the board, error indication, and tools and adjustment equipment.
Section 3 Self-diagnosis
This section explains the activation (termination) of the check mode in this unit, the
basic operation, and the check method.
Section 4 Electrical Alignment
This section explains the adjustment of the OPM-39, IPM-69, VIF-19,
and VIF-20 boards.
Manual Structure