Pioneer SE-DIR800C Headphones User Manual

No. Pin Name I/O Function
51 TEST32 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
52 TEST33 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
53 TEST34
Test pin, normally open-circuit
54 TEST35 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
55 TEST36 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
56 VDD Digital power supply
57 TEST37 I Test pin, normally fixed to L
58 TEST38 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
59 TEST39 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
60 TEST40 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
61 VSS Digital GND
62 TEST41 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
63 TEST42 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
64 TEST43 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
65 TEST44 I Test pin, normally fixed to L
66 TEST45 I Test pin, normally fixed to L
67 TEST46
Test pin, normally fixed to L
68 TEST47 I Test pin, normally fixed to L
69 VSS
Digital GND
70 NC Non connection
71 OSCO O X'tal resonator circuit output (24.576MHz)
72 VSS
Digital GND
73 OSCI I X'tal resonator circuit input (24.576MHz)
74 XOSCEN I Stop function control of X'tal resonator circuit
75 TEST48 I Test pin, normally fixed to L
76 TEST49
Test pin, normally fixed to L
77 VDD Digital power supply
78 NC Non connection
79 VSS Digital GND
80 TEST50 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
81 TEST51 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
82 TEST52 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
83 VSS Digital GND
84 TEST53 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
85 TEST54 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
86 TEST55 O Test pin, normally open-circuit
87 VPD I Penetration current prevention pin, normally fixed to L
88 EMP
Emphasis output (Off/On=L/H)
89 FSO0
Sampling frequency detecting output 0
(FSO1, FSO0) = 00 (44.1kHz), 01 (48kHz),
11 (32kHz)
90 FSO1 O Sampling frequency detecting output 1
91 DTVALID O Data valid flag (Valid/Invalidity = H/L)
92 TXOUT O Digital audio interface format output
93 DAOUT O Data output for audio DA converter
94 VSS Digital GND
95 RXIN I Digital audio interface format input
96 DTIN I Data input
97 BCKIN I Bit clock input
98 LRCKIN I LR clock input (L ch/R ch = H/L)
99 LRCKO O LR clock output (L ch/R ch = H/L)
100 VDD
Digital power supply