Pioneer SE-DIR800C Headphones User Manual

Pin Function
No. Pin Name I/O Function
1 TESTXI I LSI Test pin (must be connected to VSS)
2 TESTXO O LSI Test pin (to be open)
3 VDD2
+2.5V power supply (for internal core logic)
4 XO O Crystal oscillator connection
5 XI I Crystal oscillator connection (24.576MHz)
6 TESTMS I+ LSI Test pin (to be open)
7 TESTXEN I+ LSI Test pin (to be open)
8 IPORT0 I+ General purpose input port
9 IPORT1 I+ General purpose input port
10 IPORT2 I+ General purpose input port
11 IPORT3 I+ General purpose input port
12 IPORT4 I+ General purpose input port
13 DDIN0 Is DIR: Digital audio interface data input 0
14 DDIN1 Is DIR: Digital audio interface data input 1 / General purpose input port
15 DDIN2 Is DIR: Digital audio interface data input 2 / General purpose input port
16 DDIN3 Is DIR: Digital audio interface data input 3 / General purpose input port
17 VSS
18 CPO A PLL filter connection
+3.3V power supply (for DIR block)
20 DIRPCO A DIR: PLL filter connection
21 DIRPRO A DIR: PLL filter connection
Ground (for DIR block)
23 TESTBRK I+ LSI Test pin (to be open)
24 TESTR1 I+ Initial Clear input for PLL in DSP block
25 TESTR2 I+ LSI Test pin (to be open)
26 VDD1
+3.3V power supply (for I/O)
27 SDWCKI0 I+ Word clock input for SDIA, SDOA, SDIB, SDOB
28 SDBCKI0 I+ Bit clock input for SDIA, SDOA, SDIB, SDOB
29 /SDBCKO O Reverse clock output of DIRBCK or SDBCKI0
30 SDIA I Input of bitstream or PCM data to Main DSP
31 SDOA2 O PCM data output from Main DSP (C, LFE)
32 SDOA1 O PCM data output from Main DSP (LS, RS)
33 SDOA0 O PCM data output from Main DSP (L, R)
34 SDIB3 I+ PCM data input 3 to Sub DSP
35 SDIB2 I+ PCM data input 2 to Sub DSP
36 SDIB1 I+ PCM data input 1 to Sub DSP
37 SDIB0 I+ PCM data input 0 to Sub DSP
38 VSS
39 VDD2
+2.5V power supply (for internal core logic)
40 DIRSDO O Output of bitstream or PCM data from DIR
41 DIRWCK O DIR: Serial data word clock (fs) output
42 DIRBCK O DIR: Serial data bit clock (64fs) output
43 DIRMCK O DIR: Serial data master clock (256fs or 128fs) output
44 ERR/BS O DIR: Data error detect / Block start output
45 SYNC/U O DIR: Serial data synchronized timing / User data output
46 FS128/C O DIR: Serial data master clock 128fs / Channel status output
47 DBL/V O DIR: Double rate lock detect / Validity flag output
48 SDWCKI1 I+ Word clock input for SDIB, SDOB
49 SDBCKI1 I+ Bit clock input for SDIB, SDOB
50 VSS