
If you think your CD Recorder/Player is defective, it is wise
to check this list first, and run the diagnostic program.
Maybe you have forgotten a simple step.
UUnnddeerr nnoo cciirrccuummssttaanncceess sshhoouulldd yyoouu aatttteemmpptt ttoo rreeppaaiirr
tthhee CCDD RReeccoorrddeerr//PPllaayyeerr yyoouurrsseellff aass tthhiiss wwiillll iinnvvaalliiddaattee
tthhee gguuaarraanntteeee..
NNoo ppoowweerr
• check to ensure that the ON/OFF button is on
• check to ensure that the power cable is
plugged in correctly
• switch the recorder OFF and then immediately
back ON
AAuuttoo ttrraacckk ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk
• check to ensure that auto track is selected.
• check to ensure that there are 3 seconds
silence in between the tracks (analogue
recording only)
• check to ensure that the source is a consumer
source with the digital outputaccording the
IEC audio standard.
NNoo ssoouunndd
• check the audio connections
• if using an amplifier, try using a different
AAmmpplliiffiieerr ssoouunndd iiss ddiissttoorrtteedd
• check to ensure that the CD Recorder/Player
analogue output is not connected to the
amplifier Phono input.
PPllaayy wwiillll nnoott ssttaarrtt
• check to ensure that the label of the CD is
facing up
• clean the disc
• check to ensure that the disc is not defective
by trying another disc
• make sure that the disc has been finalized for
play in a CD player.
RReemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk
• point the remote control directly at the
CD Recorder/Player
• check the batteries and replace if necessary
• select the right source first
WWiillll nnoott rreeccoorrdd
• clean the disc
• check to ensure that CD-RW is not finalized
• check to ensure that the disc is recordable
and replace if necessary
• make sure the disc is an AUDIO disc
(noAUDIO may not appear)
• wrong input source selected.
AAnnaalloogg rreeccoorrddiinngg iiss ddiissttoorrtteedd
• make sure the recording level is correct
2200 sseeccoonndd ppaauussee bbeettwweeeenn rreeccoorrddiinnggss
• see Synchronized digital recording (CD-SYNC)
PPllaayyeerr ddooeess nnoott rreeaacctt
• switch the ON/OFF button on the front of the
player off and back on
RECOUER on display
• a power failure has occured during recording,
the CD Recorder/Player is attempting to repair
the disc.
• if RC-DISC then appears on the display,
the disc cannot be recorded further, and
cannot be finalized. It can, however, still be
played on the CD Recorder/Player or on
another CD recorder.
• on a CD-RW disc, the track being recorded is
lost, but further recording and finalization can
still be done.
• If NO-OPC appears on the display, the disc
cannot be used for recording. However, it can
still be used as a CD on this recorder.
NO-REC on display
• While scanning a CD before recording, a non-
audio track was detected. This track cannot be
copied and will be skipped.
If the malfunction persists, perform the Diagnostic Program:
1 Switch the CD Recorder/Player off using ON/OFF.
2 Simultaneously press PLAY and STOP and switch the CD
Recorder/Player back on using ON/OFF.
The display will now indicate BUSY and after a few
minutes, the message will change to ---- or
If the ---- message appears, your recorder is
defective and needs to be repaired. Consult your supplier
or call the Philips Consumer Line to find the nearest
service centre. The number of the Consumer Line can be
found in the guarantee booklet.
If the PASSED message appears, you may be
misinterpreting the user instructions or using an
inappropriate disc, or there may be a mechanical defect
or an incorrect connection. Carefully read the user
instructions once again; and if necessary contact your
If you cannot solve the problem, contact to the nearest
service centre.
3 Switch off the CD Recorder/Player using ON/OFF to exit
from the Diagnostic Program.
Diagnostic program