You will soon discover how easy it is to make your own CDs.
Nevertheless, we recommend that you use a CD-RW disc for
your first try. The two ways to make recordings are described
- Digital dubbing (normal or high-speed dubbing)
- Recording from an external source:
- Digital
- Digital with synchronized start using external CD player
- Analogue
• The recording procedure is the same for CD-Rs or CD-RWs.
• If the disc is a CD-RW and is already finalized you must
unfinalize it first (page 17).
• If the disc already contains recordings, the CD recorder will
automatically search for the end of the last track, so that
you can start recording from there.
• There must be at least 7 seconds of recording time left
on the disc, or you will not be able to activate the record
standby mode.
• If the display indicates
, no digital recording
can be made of the source material. Recording will not
start or will stop after 4 seconds.
• The
SSeerriiaall CCooppyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm
(SCMS) only
allows digital recording under specific conditions:
- It is not possible to make a digital copy from a
digital copy.
- Analogue recording is always possible!
- The number of recordings from the original is unlimited.
• A maximum of 99 tracks can be recorded on a disc.
The minimum allowable track length is 4 seconds.
• Digital recordings can be made from CDs (or other sources
with an output Sample Frequency of 44.1 kHz +/- 100 ppm)
via the digital input.
• Recordings from DAT or DCC players will not stop
If you want to play back the recorded CD-R disc on the
CD Player deck or on any other regular CD player,
it must be finalized first. See the instructions for
finalizing discs (page 17).
FFiinnaalliizzeedd CCDD--RRWW ddiissccss ppllaayy oonnllyy oonn CCDD--RRWW ccoommppaattiibbllee
CCDD ppllaayyeerrss..
Use the dubbing feature for high-speed recording from the
CD Player deck to the CD Recorder deck. The quality of the
original recording will be retained.
Some comments about dubbing:
- A complete disc or program can be copied at high speed
- Single tracks or programs can be copied at normal speed
- Track numbers will be increased automatically.
- Track numbers cannot be increased manually.
Preparing for normal and high-speed dubbing
Make sure that the recording disc is completely free of
scratches and dust particles.
If necessary, press the DUAL button to switch off the
mode on the display.
should be off.
Start high-speed dubbing (Disc copy)
To record a complete disc or program, press DUBB
repeatedly until:
‹ DUBB appears and
flashes on the display. After
some time, BUSY and the track number will appear on
the display. The CD Player will scan the tracks on the
CD and then stop.
• To see the tracks that will be recorded, press DISPLAY.
‹ The track numbers will be shown in sequence.
- If NO-REC appears, the track cannot be dubbed.
- If ANALOGUE REC appears, the tracked will be
dubbed analogue at normal speed.
- All other tracks will be copied in the normal fashion at
double speed.
- Tracks for which DIGITAL REC appears will be
digitally recorded at double speed.