How to Use this Manual 1
CHAPTER 1: Introducing the MILO 120 Loudspeaker 3
Rigging and Transport 4
Integrated Amplifier and Processing 5
Advanced M Series Technology 5
CHAPTER 2: Power Requirements 7
AC Power 7
Voltage Requirements 7
AC Power Distribution 7
Current Requirements 8
Power Connector Wiring Conventions 9
Electrical Safety Issues 10
CHAPTER 3: Amplification and Audio 11
Audio Input 11
Amplification and Protection Circuitry 12
MILO 120 Interconnections 12
Cabling 12
The TruPower
Limiting System 13
Low- and Mid-Frequency Limiters 13
High-Frequency Limiter 13
Very-High Frequency Limiters 14
Fans and Cooling System 14
CHAPTER 4: RMS™ Remote Monitoring System 17
Understanding the RMS User Panel 17
Service LED (Red) 18
Service Button 18
Wink LED (green) 18
Reset Button 18
Activity LED (Green) 18
User Interface 18
CHAPTER 5: Line Arrays and System Integration 19
How Line Arrays Work 19
MILO 120 Curvilinear Array 19
High Frequencies 19
Mid to Low Frequencies 20
Adjusting Line Array Coverage 20
Using MILO 120 As Downfill for MILO Curvilinear Arrays 20
High-Frequency Design Strategies 21
Low-Frequency Design Strategies 21
Electronically Driving the Array 21
High-Frequency Equalization Strategies 21
Low-Frequency Equalization Strategies 21
LD-3 Line Driver 22