BuSy chAnnel lockout (Bcl)
This function is used in order to prevent transmitting on a
channel that somebody else is currently using. When turned
ON, a beep sounds when you press the PTT switch while
another party is using the channel, and you cannot transmit.
To turn BCL on or off:
1 With the transceiver power OFF, press and hold the MENU
key while turning the transceiver power ON (for 1 second).
2 Press the or key to select “bL”.
3 Press the MENU key then press or to select “bL-on”
(BCL on) or “bL-oF” (BCL off).
4 Press the MENU key to conrm the selection.
5 Press the PTT, MON, or CAL key to exit Setting Mode.
trAnSceiver Beep
When you turn the transceiver power ON or press a key, a
beep will emit from the transceiver.
To turn the transceiver beep on or off:
1 With the transceiver power OFF, press and hold the MENU
key while turning the transceiver power ON (for 1 second).
2 Press the or key to select “bP”.