Why use the Furuno HUB (HUB101):
The Furuno HUB101 allows the Power Synchronization signal to reach the MFDs and
other Power Synchronization compatible devices. Here is a list of all devices that
support Power Synchronization:
- All NN3D Displays: MFD8, MFD12, MFDBB
- All NN3D Radar Power Supplies: PSU012 and PSU013
- Sounders: DFF1 and DFF3
- AIS: FA30 and FA50
- HUB101
The Power Synchronization signal is transmitted using a normally unused wire of the
Ethernet Cable (PIN 4 and Pin 5) thus a “4-Pair” Ethernet cable must be used to
connect Power Synchronization compatible device. If a regular Ethernet switch is used
instead of the Furuno HUB101, “2-Pair” Ethernet cables must be used between each
MFD and the generic Ethernet Switch so that the Furuno Power Synchronization signal
does not interfere with or harm the Ethernet Switch. Furuno offes a 3 meter 2 Pair
Ethernet cable (FUSA P/N= 000-167-171)
In addition to allow the Power Synchronization signal to pass, the Furuno HUB101 has
switch that can be set to “block” this signal thus allowing connection with non-
compatible Power Synchronization devices (PC, FAR-Series Radar(Future) …). Please
refer to next paragraph for more information.
The Power Synchronization feature also allows the NN3D’s unique “Data
Synchronization” feature to operate properly providing redundancy and
Point/Route/Track Data Synchronization between networked MFDs. Failure to enable
Power Synchronization in a multiple MFD system could lead to system data loss or
unintentional data updating and overwriting!
How to configure Power Synchronization:
The Furuno HUB101 has a switch for each Ethernet port that can enable/disable the
Power Synchronization function. When connected to an MFD, the switch must be
configured to allow Power Synchronization. When connected to any other device (PC,
previous generation sensors…) the switch MUST be configured to disable the Power
Synchronization to protect other devices from the Power Synchronization signal. Please
refer to the Installation Guide of the HUB101 for more information.
A 2-Pair Ethernet cable is recommended when connecting a PC to a NavNet3D
network (FUSA P/N= 000-167-171).