Continental Home MATE2 Speaker System User Manual

e MAIN screen appears aer the MATE detects
the HUB (and any devices connected to it) or
detects a single device if a HUB is not in use. e
MAIN screen is always the same with the excep-
tion of the time display. At the bottom of the
MAIN screen are the four so key commands.
SUMMARY shows the direction and amount of
power ow in regard to inverting, charging, sell-
ing, and/or pass through. It also shows the voltage
of the battery.
e STATUS screen is the rst step in viewing
the status of either the OutBack Charge Control-
ler or FX Series Inverter/Charger and any of their
meters and conditions.
e SETUP screen leads to additional screens
showing some common set points and parameters
of either the MATE or an FX Series Inverter/
Charger. ese screens allow adjustments to such
features as the MATE’s clock and background
lighting or whether the power input to the FX is
coming from a grid or a generator.
e ADVANCED screen leads to screens for the
FX Series Inverter/Charger, the OutBack Charge
Controller, and the MATE itself that allow for
changing each component’s advanced settings.
MAIN Screen
NOTE: If the MATE does not nd the connected device, refer to page 124, Troubleshooting
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