
3.1 Last listened
3.1 Last listened 3.1 Last listened
3.1 Last listened
When Internet radio mode restarts, the last-listened station is selected. To select another recently used
station, select MENU > LAST LISTENED then one of the stations listed. Most recent stations appear at the top
of the list.
3.2 Presets
3.2 Presets 3.2 Presets
3.2 Presets
Presets are stored in the radio and cannot be accessed from other radios.
To store an Internet radio preset, press and hold PRESET until the display shows the Save preset screen.
Select one of the 10 presets to save the currently playing station.
To select a preset, press PRESET briefly, then select one of the listed preset stations. When a preset station
is playing, it shows Pn (P1, P2 etc) in the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: Operation of presets is identical for Internet radio, DAB and FM.
3.3 Favourites
3.3 Favourites 3.3 Favourites
3.3 Favourites
Favourites are stored with the Internet radio portal, and are available through all Internet radios registered on
the same account. Before favourites can be used, the radio has to be registered with the Internet radio portal
(see ``Internet radio portal registration``).
To store a playing station as a favourite from the radio, simply press ENTER. The selected station appears in
the default favourites list Stations.
To select a favourite, select MENU > STATION LIST > MY FAVOURITES > [FAVOURITES LIST]>