05_ScanTWAINReference.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
66 GL-1020 Scan Operator’s Guide
Note: The maximum size of image data you can send by
email attachment is 20 MB. However, the administrator can
specify a lower limit in the range 2-20 MB if the email client
software is unable to handle fragmentation successfully.
—the date and time when the document was scanned or
routed from fax to the controller.
Protected—has two options:
n Yes—the document is password protected
n No—the document is not password protected
Pages Tab
This tab describes the configuration of the pages in the document:
—is the page number.
Image Size
—is the number of pixels in the image on the page.
—is the resolution of the image in dots per inch.
—returns to the Main TWAIN dialog box.
—opens the online Help file.