
06_ScanDestinations.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
56 GL-1020 Scan Operator’s Guide
Scanning to TopAccessComposer
Send to TopAccess Composer saves scanned documents in
TopAccessComposer’s storage. The template determines the root
folder. You can select or create a subfolder and specify a
document name. If you do not specify a subfolder, the software
stores the document in the root folder.
Note: When scanning to TopAccessComposer, you must use
600 dpi resolution.
Scanning to FTP
Send to FTP transfers scanned documents to a remote host via an
FTP server. This option provides a convenient way of accessing
scanned documents from a Macintosh or Unix workstation. You
can specify:
n The name or IP address of the FTP server, the port number
for FTP transfer, and the user name and password of the FTP
account on the server. If you omit the user name and
password, an anonymous login is assumed.
n Whether to retry if the FTP transfer fails and, if so, how many
times and the number of minutes between retries.
n The file format: Single Page TIFF (G4), Multi Page TIFF
(G4), or PDF.
n Whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name in the
destination folder.