
Display and Touchscreen
The VX7 Display is a thin-film transistor display capable of supporting SVGA graphics modes.
Display size is 800 x 600 pixels. The display covering is designed to resist stains. The touch
screen allows signature capture and touch input.
The touch screen is a Resistive Panel with a scratch resistant finish that can detect touches by
a stylus, and translate them into computer commands. In effect, it simulates a computer
mouse. Only Delrin or plastic styluses should be used.
Note: Always use the point of the stylus for tapping or making strokes on the display. Never
use an actual pen, pencil or sharp object to write on the touch screen.
An extra or replacement stylus may be ordered from LXE. See the “Accessories” section for the
stylus part number.
Adjusting Screen Display
Some VX7’s provide the option to adjust the screen resolution. Please refer to the “VX7
Reference Guide” for more details.
The color TFT display is an active source of light. The VX7 display brightness can be adjusted
via the brightness control keys located on the VX7 control panel. Pressing the brightness up
button increases the display brightness incrementally until maximum brightness is achieved.
Likewise, pressing the brightness down button decreases the display brightness until minimum
brightness is achieved. Because there are 64 incremental levels of brightness intensity, a
single press of either brightness adjustment button may not be noticeable. The up or down
button can be pressed and held to accelerate brightness adjustment.
Note: The 2
functions <F4>, <F5>, <F6>, and <F7> keys on the 60-key LXE keyboard have
no function on the VX7.
There are no provisions for adjusting the contrast of the display. The display remains on
unless Microsoft Windows CE .NET power management is configured to turn the display off
after a certain period of inactivity.