
1. Add Bleach, if needed, to the Bleach Dispenser 3. Place Clothes In Washer
Undiluted liquid chlorine bleach may be added to the bleach Put dry, unfolded clothes loosely in the tub, up to the top of the
dispenser as shown, agitatorvanesfora maximum load. Do notover packorwrapitems
around the agitator,
Carefully measure the amount of bleach recommended on label of
the bleach bottle for the amount of water being used. Properly
diluted bleach will be added automatically to the wash water,
Note: Place small or delicate items in a mesh bag.
Note: Oxygen bleach may be added by following the instructions
on the package. Do not put powdered bleach or detergent
in the bleach dispenser. 4. Add Fabric Softener
Add recommended amount to inner chamber of dispenser cup on
Note: All bleaches, whether liquid or granular, are powerful top of agitator. Do NOT add above the fill line. If below the fill
chemicals and can cause fabric damage such as tears or line, add water to bring liquid level up to the fill line. Fabric soft-
color loss if not used properly, ener will automatically be added to the final rinse.
For more information on Bleach, see p. 11. _ LIQUID
2. Add Detergent
Add measured amount to the washer basket before loading the
clothes. For more information on types Of detergent and soap, I_,_bCRUBsER
see p. 10.
The amount of detergent or soap to use depends on how big the
load is, how dirty it is, and how hard the water is. Inadequate
amounts may cause poor cleaning and other problems.
Note: The Liquid Dispenser may be used also for adding liquid
detergent with the ULTRA WASH cycle. Dispenser should
be cleaned after use of liquid detergent. See p. 8.