
Problem Solving Guide (Cont.)
Problem Remedy Prevention
Improper use of chlorine bleach. There isno solutiononce thistype of damage Always measure bleach. Dilute measured
has occurred. _leachin at least one quart of water before
adding to washer. Do notpour bleach directly
onto clothes.
Too little water in washer or too large a load. Load washer so items will movefreely during
agitation, and select correct water level for
Are pinsor sharp objects left on garments or Remove all pins; check pockets of all gar-
in pockets? ments before you put them in the washer.
Also, check wash tub for any objects.
Are snap,hooks,zippers,sharp buttons,buck- Fastenhooks, snaps andbuttons;zip zippers.
ies closed? Remove sharpobjects and buckles. This pro-
cedure isvery importantwhen youwash knits,
which can snag easily. Placesheer garments
in a mesh bag before placing in washer.
Is the damage from chemicals such as hair Immediately andthoroughly rinse towels and
_reparations (bleach, dye, home permanent other articleswhich havecome in contactwith
solution)or battery acid, and sometoilet bowl these chemicals before you put them in the
cleaners? washer. Avoid contaminating items of cloth-
mg with such chemicals.
Isdamage caused by treatment by manufac- This deterioration can be slowed bywashing
turer? Collars and cuffs of permanent press small permanent press loads with a SUPER
items fray. (Because the permanent press water level. Do not wash heavy items, such
process weakensthe fibers). This problem is as towels, with permanent press. When pos-
not caused by the washer, sible remove collar stays.
Were there undetected holes or defects? Check garments carefully before loading
Small,unnoticedholes,tears,or rippedseams washer. Mend all rips and tears.
may enlarge during washing. Manufacturing
defects unnoticed at purchase may appear
after washing.
Was REGULAR agitation speed used for Refertogarmentmanufacturer'scareinstruc-
delicate fabrics? tions. If in doubt, use GENTLE agitation.
Are garments weakened by aging, sun or Thisisaninevitableprocessandisnotcaused
atmosphere? by the washer. You may slow down the pro-
cess by use of GENTLE agitation.
Isthere roughness or burrs on agitator due to Examine agitator for roughness or burrs, and
damage incurredby heavy belt buckles,etc.? smooth by filing, if necessary.