
e. 11. Improper laundering offlame retardant finishes could
remove them. Therefore, follow garment manu-
facturer's instructions carefully.
12. When moving,havethe washer checkedand properly
installed by a qualified Jenn-Air Service Contractor.
6. Do not reachintotheapplianceifthetuboragitatoris
moving.Thewasherisequippedwitha safetyswitch
foryourprotection.If actiondoesnotstopwhenthe Applianceswith the UL symbolon the data plate have
washerlidis openedduringthe Spin Cycle,discon- been listedwith Underwriters'Laboratories,Inc. Those
nect the electricalpower to the washer. Do not with a CSA Monogramon the data plate have been
operatethe washer untilit has been repairedby an certifiedby the CSA TestingLaboratoriesas complying
authorizedJenn-AirService Contractor. withCanadianStandardsAssociationrequirements.Nev-
ertheless,as with any equipmentusing electricityand
7. Do nottamperwiththe controls, havingmovingparts,thereare potentialhazards.To use
8. Do notrepairor replaceany part of the applianceor iarwiththeinstructionsforoperationoftheApplianceand
attemptany servicingto preventpersonalinjuryand always exercisecarewhileusingit.
damage tothewasher.
9. Observe these precautionswhen using cleaning
fluids,spotor stainremovers,etc.:
a. Use onlyaccordingto the manufacturer'sdirec-
tionsas statedonthe labelor carton.
b. Useoutdoorsor in a well ventilatedarea.
c. Useonlyproductslabeled"NON-FLAMMABLE".
d. After usingtheseremovers,thoroughlyrinsethe
clothesby hand before they are placed in the
washer. Someof these removers- for example:
rustremover- willdamagethe componentsand
thefinishof the washer.
10. Do not wash fiberglassarticles unless label states
theyare machinewashable. Mostfiberglassarticles
shed small particlesof glass that will not readily rinse
out of the washer. Theseparticlesmaygeton clothing
in laterloadsand causeskin irritation and discomfort.
Be sure to rinse the washer thoroughly before using
it again.