
Problem Solving Guide (Cont.)
Problem i Remedy Prevention
ISwater temperature toolow? Wash in the hottest water safe for fabric and Usecorrectwatertemperature. Foradequate
=use adequate amountof detergent, results, hot water is recommended.
Isthere too little detergent being used? Measure detergent with a measuring cup;
fottow manufacturer's instructions. Increase
amountofdetergentfor heavilysoiledclothes.
ts there hard water? Use a packaged non-precipitatingwater con-
Is too littlewater forthe quantity of garments Make certain water level allows clothes to
being washed? move freely.
Was fabric softener used correctly? Rub dampened stain area vigorously with Carefully follow manufacturer's instructions.
(Be sure to dilute) hand soap. Rinse,then wash. If many items Never pour fabric softener directly onto cloth-
are involved, dry cleaning is recommended, ing.
The dry cleaning fluid used in the process
should lift temporary markings.
Doesdetergent laundryaid or fabric softener If caused by a detergent or granular laundry I Add product first then clothes and start
contain a blue co[oring? Failure of a blue aid, add 1 cup of white vinegar to 1 quart of washer.
coloring in detergent, laundry aid or fabric water. Use a plastic container. Soak item for
softenerto dissolve or dispense could be the 1 hour; rinse.If caused byfabric softener, rub
problem, stain with bar soap; wash.
Depositsfromacombination ofoilysoil; water Condition washer with2 cups Calgon. After
hardness; fabric softener; low or non-phos- laundering heavily soiled clothes, wipe the
phate detergents which contain precipitating wash tub, the inside and outside of the agita-
builders, tot witha damp absorbent cloth.
Particles may collect under the agitator or on Rewashwith hottest water safe for fabric and I In areasthat have hard water or clay soil, use
the outsideof theinnerwash tuband eventu- adequate amount of detergent. I a conditioner.
ally loosen and deposit on the Clothes.