For Satisfaction Of Your Warranty
Follow These Steps In Order
If serviceor parts are ever necessary,contactthedealer from whomyou purchasedthe appliance.
If yourproblemis notsolvedlocally,pleasecontactus by mailortelephoneduringnormalbusinesshoursandwe willtake the necessary
stepsto assurethat partsor serviceare availabletoyouwithinthe terms of ourwarranty.
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, Tennessee 37320-2370
(U.S. and Ontario) or
(615) 472-3333
Parts Covered By Limited TransmissionWarranty
Item Description
1. Transmission Housing Assembly
2. Cluster Gear
3. Retaining Ring
4. Crank Gear
5. Anti-Backup Cam
7. Lower Bearing Assembly
8. Thrust Washer (Tabbed)
9. Thrust Washer (Plain)
10. Thrust Washer (Plastic)
11. Thrust Washer (Plain)
12. Drive Shaft and Hub Assembly
13. Clutch Spring _j__
14. Drive Pinion Gear
17. Linkage Assembly .j_
18. Transmission Housing Gasket
19. Transmission Cover _)
20. Cover Reinforcement
21. Retaining Ring ._
22. Thrust Washer L'_ (_
23. Basket Drive Tube
24. Oil Fill Plug
25. Screw