Stain Removal Chart (Cont.)
stain Removal Procedure
Ink (Ballpoint) Spraystain with hairspray until saturated or sponge stain with rubbing alcohol or spray with pretreat
)roduct. Rinse thoroughly. Pretreat stain. Launder using the hottest water safe forthe fabric. Use
appropriate bleach.
Ink (Felt Tip) Spray stain with liquid household cleaner until saturated. Rub cleaner into stain. Rinse. Repeat as
many times as necessary to remove stain. Launder.
Mildew Pretreat stain. Launder using the hottest water safe for the fabric. Use appropriate bleach. If stain
remains, sponge with hydrogen peroxide. Rinse thoroughly and launder again.
Milk, Cream, lee Cream Soak in cold water with detergent. Pretreat stain. Launder using the hottest water safe for the fabric.
Useappropriatebleach. If greasystain remains, spongewith cleaning fluid. Rinse by hand. Launder
Mud Letstain dry, thenbrush well. Spongewith cold water. Pretreatstain. Launder using thehottest water
safe for the fabric. Use appropriate bleach.
Mustard Pretreat stain. Launder using the hottest water safe for the fabric. Use appropriate bleach.
Nail Polish Placestain face down on paper towels. Sponge with nail polish remover or amy1acetate. Use amyl
acetate only on acetate. (Test nail polish remover on seam of garment first.) Launder after rinsing
thoroughly by hand. If color remains, bleach, if safe for fabric.
Perfume Sponge promptlywith coldwater orsoak in cold water 30 minuteswith detergent. Pretreatremaining
stain, Launder with an appropriate bleach. Use the hottest water safe for the fabric,
Perspiration Pretreatremainingstain. Launderwith anappropriate bleach. Usethe hottestwater safeforthe fabric.
If fabric has been discolored, restore by applying ammonia to fresh stains or vinegar to ord stains.
Rinse. Launder.
Rust Apply rust remover according to manufacturer's directions. Launder. Do not usechlorine bleach on
rust stains. Do not use rust remover in washer or on washer top.
Shoe Polish Scrape off as muchaspossible witha dull knife. Pretreatremainingstain. Launderwithan appropriate
bleach. Use the hottest water safe for thefabric. If stain persists, sponge with one part denatured
alcohol and two partswater. Rinse thoroughly by hand. Launder.
Tar Treat immediately before stain is dry. Pour cleaning fluid through fabric. Repeat. Stain may be
Lmpossibleto remove. Rinse thoroughly by hand. Launder.
Urine Soak incoldwaterwith detergent. Pretreat remainingstain. Launderwith anappropriate bleach. Use
the hottest watersafe for the fabric.