
Problem Remedy Prevention
Are clothessorted properly? Are you using Brush lint from clothes or use a lint remover Separatelint-giver(terrytowels, sweat-shirts,
enough detergent, overloadingwasher, leav- roller, chenille) from lint-receivers (corduroy, per-
ing tissue paper in pockets, or overdrying? manent press, knits).Use GENTLEagitation.
Man-made fabrics, blends and permanent
press readilyattractlintfrom cottonsdue to
static electricity. Use a fabric softener inthe
dryer to lessen static electricity. Increase
detergent. Empty pockets.
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Food orcooking oilstainsonsyntheticfabrics Rub in undiluteddetergent, let stand30 rain- Wash syntheticgarments assoonafter wear-
are sometimes called "invisible stains" be- utes and rewash, using hottest water safefor ing as practical, using more detergent than
cause you may not notice them when you put fabric, normal and hottest water safe for fabric.
clothes in the washer. If oily soiJsare net
completely removed in the wash, the oily
spots may pick up dirt from wash water. The
spots willthenbevisible. Theyare notcaused
by the washer.
Are you usingenough detergent? Increase detergent usage.
Rust Stains
(Brown or Yellow Stains) ,
Doyou have iron pipes?
is there sediment in the hot water tank? Flush hot water tank.
Isthere Ironor Manganesein the watersupply Commercialrustremovers. To remove, usea If porcelain sinks and tubs have rust Colored
reacting with soap, detergent, or chlorine commercial rust remover, follow label direc- deposits,iron probablyis presentinthe water
bleach? Iron in the water may be in a dis- tionsasrustremovercoulddamagethefinish supply. Tocorrect, checkwith awater treat-
solved form and notvisible to the eye without ofyour washer. Rinse clothes thoroughly by ment company. Do notusechlorine bleach in
a chemicaltest. hand before placing in the washer. After water that contains iron. Consider replacing
rinsing, clothes should be washed, the rusted out water tank or use an iron filter
if problem is severe.
Laundered Clothes
Are you using enough detergent? Increase detergent usage.
Are you washing heavily soiled and lightly Sor_dirty clothes by amount of soil. If only a
soiled clothes in the same 1gad? few clothes are very dirty, prewashthem first.
is the washer basket dirty from washing Wipe out basket and rewash dirty clothes. Shake out sandy clothes, vacuum rugs.
heavily soiled clothes, rugs? PrewashheaviLysoiled clothes,suchas men's
work and children's play clothes. Wipe out
washer basket with damp sponge or cloth.