I Sorting I I Load Sizel
For bestresults,clothes shouldbe sorted into loads that can be • Size of Load- The spacethat fabricsoccupyismoreimportant
washed and dried together. Sort clothesinto loadsthat can be thantheirweight.Forcleanwrinkle-freewashingresults,fillthe
washedwiththe samewatertemperature,washtime, agitation,spin washer so that all items have plentyof room to movefreely.
Do notovercrowdthe washer. Thisis particularlyimportantfor
speed, and laundryaids. heavilysoiled items.
Thus, sort clothes according to:
• Size of Items - Combine both large and small articles for good
• Color - Separate whites from colors, light colors from bright or washing action. Do not group alllarge items inone load. Several
dark colors. Wash non-colorfast items separately, sheetscombinedwithsmalleritemsinoneloadwillprovidebetter
washing action than a load of sheets only.
• Fabrics - Separate intocottons, delicatefabrics,and permanent
press items. Cottons require hotter water. Delieates require • How to Load - Loosely load the washer to the top of the small
shorter wash times and cooler water to prevent shrinkage, vanes on the agitator with dry unfolded items. Do not:
Permanent press and synthetics require special washing to
reduce wrinkling, a. over pack clothes;
• Lint Transfer - Separate lint-givers (terry cloth, chenille and b. load wet items (This encourages overloading.)
rugs) from lint takers (corduroy, synthetic knits, and permanent
press) to reduce lint transfer during washing, c. wrap large items around the agitator. (Load large items first
and in gentle folds.)
• Amount of Soil - Separateheavily soileditems from moderately
andlightlysoileditems. Mixingsoiltypescouldcauseheavysoils
to depositonthe lightlysoileditems.
L Precare 1
When you sort clothes into washloads, inspecteach itemfor:
• Rips and Tears - Mend all rips and tears so they don'tgrow.
• Objects Left inPockets- Removecrayons,lipsticks,cigarettes,
ballpoint pens, matches,tissues, and other objectsthat may
damage clothesand/orthe washer.
• Non-washable Items- Removebuttons,pins,buckles,or other
sharp items that may not washwell and that may scratch the
insideof the washer or snag otheritems in the load.
• Dirt, Lint,and Sand -Turn downcuffsand brushoffdirt andlint.
Vacuum rugsto removeloosesurfacesoil. Shakesandyclothes
• Belts, Zippers, Hooks - Tie beltsand apron sashesintobows
so that they won't tangle duringwashing. Close zippers and
hookssothattheywon'tsnagotheritemsinthe load. Foradded
safety, place in mesh laundrybag.
• Spots and Stains - Remove beforeyou wash the item. (See
Stain RemovalChart on pp. 14-16.)