system logs
configuring 625
destinations 623
disabling output to the console 628
displaying the configuration of 630
managing 623
message components 623
severity levels 624
system recovery, lost password 622
system time, configuring 124
table of 3Com support contact numbers 668
tabs, for command completion 34
tag type 90
buffer 624
console 624
server 624
sessions 624
trace 624, 633
TCP ACLs 385
TCP ports
filtering packets by 386
packet filter (security ACL) requirements 385
technical support, capturing system information
for 645
technical support, Asia and Pacific Rim 669
technical support, Europe, Middle East, and
Africa 670
telephone support 668
telephone technical support 668
telephone technical support for Latin America 670
telephone technical support for US and Canada 670
telephone technical support, Asia and Pacific
Rim 669
telephone technical support, Europe, Middle East,
and Africa 669
administrative sessions, displaying and
clearing 559
client sessions, displaying and clearing 559
disabling 116
idle timeout 119, 120
logging to the current session 629
management port 661
port number 117
RADIUS authentication, scenario 62
template, MAP configuration 218
TFTP, copying files 604
time intervals for 802.1X key transmission 533
time zone, configuring 125
time, configuring 124
Time-Of-Day attribute, description 659
802.1X authorization server 539
802.1X session 539
ARP aging 131
802.1X authorization 539
802.1X quiet period 538
802.1X reauthentication 537
802.1X reauthentication, in roaming 162
802.1X session 539
ARP aging timeout 131
beacon interval 241
DTIM interval 242
effect on roaming 162
FDB 99
grace period for roaming 162
IGMP snooping 370
MAC address search 162
NTP update interval 128
STP 357
TKIP 284
countermeasures 287, 292, 298
enabling 291, 297
TLS encryption 414
TOS level, filtering packets by 381
trace buffer target 624
traceroute 133
caution about levels 631
clearing 632
copying results to a server 634
enabled, displaying 632
logs of, clearing 634
output, displaying 633
results 633
running 631
traffic monitoring 638
traffic ports, typical, in a Mobility Domain 661
transmit power 211
configuring 246
Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption 414
trap receiver 148
traps 144
avoiding unintended AAA processing 508
blinking amber Mgmt LED 621
client authentication failure 621
common WX setup problems 619
denial of MAP configuration 620
display commands 635