sessions, clearing 557
sessions, displaying 557
Telnet client sessions, displaying and
clearing 559
Telnet sessions, displaying and clearing 559
AeroScout RFID tag support 323
affinity 90
configuring 93
in roaming VLANs 160
number 160
aging timeout
ARP 131
FDB 99
alert logging level 624
aliases 123
all access 36
ARP aging timeout 131
ARP entries
adding 131
displaying 130
ARP table 130
asterisks. See double asterisks (**); single asterisks
attack list 578
assigning to network users 492
authorization 459
Encryption-Type 494, 659
precedence of user over group value 58
RADIUS. See RADIUS attributes
reassigning with the location policy 499
console, for administrative access 59, 62
defined 440
effects on encryption 448
failure, troubleshooting 621
local 447
local, configuration scenarios 62
MAC address, to local database 456
non-802.1X default 520
offload 448, 449
order of processing 508
pass-through 447
pass-through, configuring 450
RADIUS, for Telnet users 62
security ACLs and 390
server 521
session timeout 539
unresponsive RADIUS servers, scenario 63
via local database 450
wired ports 532
WPA 288
authentication, authorization, and accounting. See
AAA (authentication, authorization, and
accounting) 51, 54
authenticator, pass-through, WX as 415
authorization 441, 510
attributes, assigning 492
order of processing 508
port lists 511
server setting for timeouts 539
server timeout 539
authorization attributes
Encryption-Type 494
local database assignment 487
security ACL 494
user group assignment 494
authorization password
MAC 459
outbound 459
authorization server timeout 539
Auto-AP profile 218
autonegotiation 80
autosensing 79
backbone fast convergence 359
configuring 360
banner, setting message of day 120
beacon interval 241
before editbuffer-index
defined 387
locating an ACE 395
black list 577
blink mode 229
blocked ports, displaying 363
Bonded Auth 451
boot information 601
bridge priority
configuring 353
defined 352
DTIM interval 242
preamble length 244
edit. See edit buffer
history 34
system, for logging 624
bug fixes 668
CA. See certificate authority
Called-Station-Id attribute 656