Disabling or
Reenabling Logging
of Rogues
By default, a WX switch generates a log message when a rogue is
detected or disappears. To disable or reenable the log messages, use the
following command:
set rfdetect log {enable | disable}
To display log messages on a switch, use the following command:
display log buffer
(This command has optional parameters. For complete syntax
information, see the Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Command
Enabling Rogue and
By default, all SNMP notifications (informs or traps) are disabled. To
enable or disable notifications for rogue detection, Intrusion Detection
System (IDS), and Denial of Service (DoS) protection, configure a
notification profile that sends all the notification types for these features.
(For syntax information and an example, see “Configuring a Notification
Profile” on page 144.)
IDS and DoS Alerts MSS can detect illegitimate network access attempts and attempts to
disrupt network service. In response, MSS generates messages and SNMP
notifications. The following sections describe the types of attacks and
security risks that MSS can detect.
For examples of the log messages that MSS generates when DoS attacks
or other security risks are detected, see “IDS Log Message Examples” on
page 587.
For information about the notifications, see “Configuring a Notification
Profile” on page 144.
To detect DoS attacks, active scan must be enabled. (See “Disabling or
Reenabling Active Scan” on page 582.)