Configuring the
System IP Address
You can designate one of the IP addresses configured on a WX switch to
be the system IP address of the switch. The system IP address determines
the interface or source IP address MSS uses for system tasks, including the
Mobility Domain operations
Topology reporting for dual-homed MAPs
Default source IP address used in unsolicited communications such as
AAA accounting reports and SNMP traps
Designating the
System IP Address
To designate the system IP address, use the following command:
set system ip-address ip-addr
Displaying the
System IP Address
To display the system IP address, use the following command.
display system
Clearing the System
IP Address
To clear the system IP address, use the following command:
clear system ip-address
CAUTION: Clearing the system IP address disrupts the features that use
the address.
Configuring and
Managing IP Routes
The IP route table contains routes that MSS uses for determining the
interfaces for a WX switch’s external communications. When you add an
IP interface to a VLAN that is up, MSS automatically adds corresponding
entries to the IP route table.
For destination routes that are not directly attached, you can add static
routes. A static route specifies the destination and the default router
through which to forward traffic.You can add the following types of
static routes:
Explicit route — Forwarding path for traffic to a specific destination
Default route — Forwarding path for traffic to a destination without
an explicit route in the route table