monitoring roaming users 162
names 154
roaming VLANs in 160
seed 153, 154
status 155
Mobility Points (MAPs)
Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) 327
Mobility Profile 510, 511
authorization 510
defined 510
Mobility System Software CLI. See CLI (command-line
Mobility-Profile attribute, description 659
modify editbuffer-index
defined 387
modifying an ACE 396
monitoring wireless traffic 638
port statistics 83
WX switch performance 623
MOTO, message of day banner 120
MSS CLI. See CLI (command-line interface)
DTIM interval 242
IGMP snooping 369
IGMP snooping, displaying information 373
preamble length 244
receivers 372, 376
router solicitation 372
routers 372, 375
static router ports 372
static WEP keys 301
globbing in 30
Mobility Domain 154
See also usernames; VLAN names
NAS-Identifier attribute 656
NAS-IP-Address attribute 652
NAS-Port-Id attribute 659
neq (not equal to) operator
in security ACLs 385
in the location policy 501
Netstumbler 586
network access mode
defined 27, 54
MAC address authentication 456
Network Domain
clearing the configuration 173
configuration scenario 174
configuring 169
Network Domain feature 165
network ports 71
network sessions
clearing by MAC address 563
clearing by session ID 565
clearing by username 562
clearing by VLAN name 564
displaying 560
displaying by MAC address 563
displaying by session ID 564
displaying by username 562
displaying by VLAN name 563
verbose information 561
See also sessions
Network Time Protocol. See NTP (Network Time
network users
assigning attributes to 492
authenticating and authorizing 441
configuration scenario 512
defined 433
nonvolatile storage
copying files 604
deleting files 607
listing files 602
notice logging level 625
notification target, SNMP 148
notifications, rogue detection 584
notifications, SNMP 144
NTP (Network Time Protocol) 127
AAA and management ports 661
client 129
displaying information 129
servers 128
update interval 128
obtaining technical support 668
offload authentication
configuring 449
defined 448
EAP 444, 449
PEAP and MS-CHAP-V2 450
PEAP-MS-CHAP-V2 configuration scenario 515
RADIUS 444, 449
one-time password 423, 429
online help, command line 34
online problem solving 667
operating system
files 599
upgrading 616