When deploying a 3Com wireless network, you might attach 3Com
equipment to subnets that have firewalls or access controls between
them. 3Com equipment uses various protocol ports to exchange
information. To ensure full operation of your network, make sure the
equipment can exchange information on the ports listed in Table 57.
Table 57 Traffic Ports Used by MSS
Protocol Port Function
IP/TCP (6) 23 Telnet management
IP/TCP (6) 443 SSL management of a WX via Web View
Port 443 is also the default port used by 3Com
Wireless Switch Manager clients to communicate
with a 3Com Wireless Switch Manager server.
IP/TCP (6) 8821 Network Domain and Mobility Domain
The originating WX makes a connection from a
random TCP port that is equal to or higher than
4096. The target WX listens for the traffic on TCP
port 8821.
IP/TCP (6) 8889 SSL management via 3WXM or Guest Access
3WXM or Guest Access Manager originates the
SSL connection on TCP port 8889.
IP/UDP (17) 53 DNS
IP/UDP (17) 123 NTP
IP/UDP (17) 161 SNMP get and set operations
IP/UDP (17) 162 SNMP traps
IP/UDP (17) 1812 RADIUS authentication (default setting)
IP/UDP (17) 1813 RADIUS accounting (default setting)