Working with Files The following section describe how to manage files stored on the WX
Displaying a List of
Files are stored on a WX switch in the following areas:
File — Contains configuration files
Boot — Contains system image files
Temporary — Contains log files and other files created by MSS
The file and boot areas are in nonvolatile storage. Files in nonvolatile
storage remain in storage following a software reload or power cycle. The
files in the temporary area are removed following a software reload or
power cycle.
The boot area is divided into two partitions, boot0 and boot1. Each
partition can contain one system image file.
The file area can contain subdirectories. Subdirectory names are indicated
by a forward slash at the end of the name. In the following example,
dangdir and old are subdirectories.
To display a list of the files in nonvolatile storage and temporary files, type
the following command:
WX1200# dir
Filename Size Created
file:configuration 48 KB Jul 12 2005, 15:02:32
file:corp2:corp2cnfig 17 KB Mar 14 2005, 22:20:04
corp_a/ 512 bytes May 21 2004, 19:15:48
file:dangcfg 14 KB Mar 14 2005, 22:20:04
old/ 512 bytes May 16 2004, 17:23:44
file:pubsconfig-april062005 40 KB May 09 2005, 21:08:30
file:sysa_bak 12 KB Mar 15 2005, 19:18:44
file:testback 28 KB Apr 19 2005, 16:37:18
Total: 159 Kbytes used, 207663 Kbytes free