Disabling or Reenabling Radios 251
Resetting a Radio to
its Factory Default
To disable a MAP radio and reset it to its factory default settings, use the
following command:
clear ap apnumber radio {1 | 2 | all}
This command performs the following actions:
Sets the transmit power, channel, and external antenna type to their
default values.
Removes the radio from its radio profile and places the radio in the
default radio profile.
This command does not affect the PoE setting.
To disable and reset radio 2 on the MAP connected to port 3, type the
following command:
WX1200# clear ap 3 radio 2
Restarting a MAP To restart a MAP, use the following command:
reset ap apnumber
Use the reset ap command to reset a MAP configured on a MAP access
port. Use the reset ap command to reset a Distributed MAP.
When you enter one of these commands, the MAP drops all sessions and reboots.
Restarting a MAP can cause data loss for users who are currently
associated with the MAP.