The Singing Machine SMG-301 CD Player User Manual

(Audio only, Video is not possible) SMG-301 AS A SYSTEM
1. Load a blank cassette in Tape Deck 1. 1. Connect the supplied Microphone to either
one of the MIC input Jacks
2. Load a Singing Machine or any other
prerecorded CD/CDG disc into the CD 2. Press the POWER button to turn the unit
compartment drawer. on.
3. Press FUNCTION SELECT button to 3. Switch the ON/OFF switch located on the
select the CD function. Press the SKIP Microphone to the ON position and speak
button to the desired track number you or si ng to the Mi cropho ne. The
wish to record from. Microphone sensitivity and loudness
could be adjusted as required by turning
4. Press the PLAY button to start playback on the MIC VOLUME control and/or the
the CD player. Press both RECORD and MASTER VOLUME control.
PLAY buttons at the same time to begin
recording. The combined output of your 4. To add depth or ambiance to your voice,
voice and the playback of the CD or the adjust the ECHO control until the desired
CDG sound track will be recorded on the effect is obtained.
blank tape.
ADDING EXTRA VOICE(S) / DUBBING OR To prevent feedback or whistling from
COPYING occurring, please be sure that the
1. Load your previously recorded tape into microphone is not too close to the SMG-301
Tape Deck 2. unit.
2. Load another blank tape into Tape Deck 1.
3. Follow Steps 3 of RECORDING TO TAPE
for Recording Sing Along. Your voice will
again be added, allowing you to sing duets
with your own voice. If you use the
microphone input for an instrument, you
can record that at a separate time than
your voice performance. If you simply
want to make a dub or copy, load the tape
you wish to copy in Tape Deck 2 and a
blank tape in Tape Deck 1. Do not plug in
the microphones.