Operating Information
WFM 90 and WFM 91 Service Manual
Arrow Buttons. The function of the Arrow Buttons is dependent on the current
state of the instrument. For the Waveform and Audio display modes, they control
signal positioning. For the Vector display mode, they control vector phase, with
Y and B buttons providing fine adjustment, and the A and " buttons providing
coarse adjustment.
The Arrow Buttons retain their default function for the reduced display when the
Waveform-in-Picture display mode is selected. When the Configuration menu is
displayed, the Y and B buttons operate the menu category selection, while the A
and " buttons retain their default function for the current display mode.
Instrument Reset. Extraordinary conditions may cause the instrument controls to
become locked or to respond erratically. To reset the instrument, first press the
ON button to turn off the power, then press the ON button again while holding
down the WIP and LINE SEL buttons. The instrument should return to normal
operation with the keypad controls and menu selections assigned to the
factory-set defaults.
If this reset does not return the instrument to normal operation, refer to the
Troubleshooting Procedures section of this manual.
The instrument side panels are illustrated in Figure 2–4.
Video Input and Output Connectors. The VIDEO IN and REF IN connectors are
passive BNC inputs, unterminated, and 75W-compensated for a video signal.
Each input has a rear-panel switch to provide an internal 75W signal termination.
The VIDEO OUT connector is a BNC used to output the instrument display to a
remote monitor or video switcher.
Audio Input and Output Connectors. The AUDIO IN connector is a standard
three-pin XLR connector for a single channel of audio input. The audio output
connector is a standard stereo mini headphone jack for the output of the audio
input signal. The mono input signal is heard on both stereo channels. The audio
volume is fixed for each reference level. The larger the displayed signal, the
louder the volume.
Side-panel Connectors
and Switches