WFM 90 and WFM 91 Service Manual
The following services may be purchased to tailor repair and/or calibration of
your WFM90 or WFM91 Handheld Waveform, Vector, Picture, and Audio
Monitor to fit your requirements:
Option M2. When you order option M2, you receive a five year warranty and
remedial service agreement.
Option M8. When you order option M8, you receive four free calibration and
performance tests.
At-Depot Service. Tektronix offers several standard-priced adjustment (calibra-
tion) and repair services:
H A single repair and/or adjustment.
H Calibrations using equipment and procedures that meet the traceability
standards specific to the local area.
H Annual maintenance agreements that provide for either calibration and repair
or calibration only of the instrument.
Of these services, the annual maintenance agreement offers a particularly
cost-effective approach to service for many owners of the WFM90 or WFM91
Handheld Waveform, Vector, Picture, and Audio Monitor. Such agreements can
be purchased to span several years.
On-Site Service. The annual maintenance agreement can be purchased with
on-site service, with repair and calibration done at your facility. This service
reduces the time your instrument is out of service when calibration or repair is
Service Training. Tektronix provides service training in a number of programs. In
addition to classes held at our Beaverton campus, special classes at convenient
locations can be arranged.
Tektronix supports repair to the module level by providing Module Exchange
and Module Repair and Return.
Module Exchange. This service reduces down time for repair by allowing you to
exchange most modules for remanufactured ones. Tektronix ships you an
updated and tested exchange module from the Beaverton, Oregon service center,
typically within 24 hours. Each module has a 90-day service warranty.
Repair or Calibration
Self Service