7 - REMOTE (PARALLEL) connector
For details of the timing of the EOM tally signal (pin
20), see 3.7, "EOM disc" and 3.8, "EOM track".
7.1.2Fader start
Pin 8 is a special case. If this input is brought low
(for more than 50 ms), playback starts. If it is brought
back to the high state, playback stops.
This makes it suitable for connection to any switch-
ing mechanism such as the fader start outputs on a
mixing console, or an edit controller, which connect
this pin to ground when active.
Note that the Incremental Play function (see 3.10,
"Incremental play") can be used to cue the start of the
next track automatically when the fader play pin goes
high (i.e. playback is stopped).
7.1.3Sequential playback and recording
Using the
connectors to
“daisy-chain” a number of MD-801 units, it is possi-
ble to use the EOM message (as described in 3.7,
"EOM disc") to start playback or recording on one
unit automatically when the end of the disc is
reached on the first unit.
• Before doing this, you should make sure that the
value in the EOM track menu is set to off (see 3.8,
"EOM track"), and that the EOM disc value is set
to over 60 seconds (see 3.7, "EOM disc").
To connect two units for sequential playback, con-
nect the End of Message Tally (pin 20) of the first
unit to the PLAY Command pin (pin 1) of the second
unit. You should also link together the two ground
pins (pin 36).
This ensures that when the End of Message tally sig-
nal is output from the first unit, it will trigger a play
action in the second, allowing continuous playback
of very long programs.
To enable continuous sequential recording, connect
together the
connectors of
two MD-801R units in the following way:
The End of Message Tally (pin 20) of the first unit
should be connected to both the PLAY Command
(pin 1) and the RECORD Command (pin 6) pins of
the second unit’s
tor. The two ground pins (pin 36) should also be con-
It is also possible to connect the End of Message
Tally pin of the second unit to the appropriate pin(s)
of a third unit, and so on.
Note that if a disc is scratched or damaged, it may not
be possible to perform the sequential playback or
recording operation.