
The One For All IR/RF LCD 8-Device With Learning Universal
Remote Control (URC-9910) comes with an IR/RF Command Center
which receives radio-frequency (RF) signals from the URC-9910
remote control,anywhere in your home,up to 100 feet away.Once it
is set up,the IR/RF Command Center will convert the RF signals into
Infrared (IR) signals to control your home theater devices.
NOTE:The URC-9910 remote control transmits both an IR and an RF signal
simultaneously. It is your option whether you want to install the IR/RF
Command Center for extended remote control range.If you choose to do so,
during testing do not aim the URC-9910 remote control at your home enter-
tainment devices to verify that RF transmission is working.
NOTE:The RF signal transmitted by the URC-9910 remote control,only
works with the IR/RF Command Center.
Setting Up The IR/RF Command Center
1. Find a location approximately 8 feet in front of your
home theater devices.It should provide (line-of-
sight) access to your equipment and a power outlet
to plug in the IR/RF Command Center.
2. Plug in the IR/RF Command Center’s power cord and
raise the telescoping antenna.
IR Lens
3. Position the IR/RF Command Center so the black
IR Lens is aimed at your home theater devices.
4. To test the IR/RF Command Center,take the
URC-9910 remote control into another room in your
home,up to100 feet away.Select a device key (e.g.,
TV) and press it once.Then press POWER once. The
device (e.g.,TV) should turn on.
If it does not turn on,review the steps 1 through 3
and make any adjustments.Try step 4 again.If you
continue to have a problem,perhaps there is an IR
line-of sight problem.Try adding the enclosed IR
Signal Extension Cord (see next page).Also review
the tips in Optimizing IR/RF Command Center
Reception on page 54.