Lexicon PCM 80 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

The Presets
1.2 Flange >Rvb ADJUST: FX Mix 0–100
This stereo effect feeds the output of a flanger into a concert hall reverb. ADJUST controls
the mix of dry and wet flanged audio. The Soft Row includes master delay and feedback
parameters for adding echoes, as well as parameters for modulation and image control.
1.3 Flange+Rvb ADJUST: FX Mix 0–100
A rich 6 voice chorus in parallel with reverb. ADJUST controls the mix of the two
independent stereo effects. The Soft Row includes the essential parameters for creating
many variations of this classic combination of effects.
1.4 X Eko Flange ADJUST: X-Fbk 0–100
A stereo flanger with rhythmic echoes feeding into stereo reverb. ADJUST controls the
cross-feedback of the echoes (which causes them to bounce from side to side as they
repeat). Press Tap to synchronize the echoes with rhythmic sources.
1.5 Glide > Verb ADJUST: FX Mix 0–100
Three stereo effects in series: gliding delays, rhythmic echoes and reverb. ADJUST
controls the mix of delay effects and reverb. Essential controls for each effect are included
in the Soft Row.
1.6 Glide X-Ekos ADJUST: Eko Time 0–100
Similar to Glide > Verb, but ADJUST lets you dial in echo times from 0 to 2 seconds.
Feedback and cross feedback are combined to create echo patterns that change as they
1.7 Detuned Ekos ADJUST: Ekos/Beat 1–24
Plate reverb combined with independent stereo delays. The delay voices are diffused
and modulated. The echoes are rhythmic — set the tempo with Tap or MIDI clocks. Use
ADJUST to set the number of echoes per beat.
1.8 StereoEqEkos ADJUST: Ekos/Beat 1–24
Six rhythmic echo voices are EQ’d and panned across stereo space. ADJUST sets the
number of repeats per beat.
1.9 ADJUpMyEchos ADJUST: EchosLvl 0–10
Concert Hall reverb with 4 panned echo voices in the background. ADJUST controls the
level of the echo voices. Press Tap to synchronize the echoes with rhythmic material.
2.0 FSw2 Elevate ADJUST: Feedback 0–99
Similar to Detuned Ekos, multiple echo voices with diffusion, modulation and a touch of
plate reverb. In this effect, Foot Switch 2 is patched to turn on the AR Envelope which,
in turn, sweeps the master delay. ADJUST controls the feedback of these rhythmic
2.1 Chorus &Pan ADJUST: LFO Rate 0–100
This moving chorus shifts the output signal from left to right, back and forth. ADJUST sets
the speed. Increasing the Delay Master parameter will smear the delay images.
2.2 Chorus&Amb ADJUST: MstChorus 0–100
Similar to Chorus&Pan but with an added ambience. ADJUST controls the speed and
depth of the chorus.
2.3 6 Vox Chorus ADJUST: Less/More 0–50
Starting point for all chorus sounds. ADJUST controls both the chorus depth and speed.
Use the Delay Master to open or close the spacing between the 6 delay voices.
Modulation Effects
(P0 2.0 – P0 3.5)
Multi Effects
(P0 0.0 – P0 1.9) cont'd.