Lexicon PCM 80 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

PCM 80 User Guide
Reinitializing will erase all registers and setups
The following procedure will return the PCM 80 to the state it was in when
shipped from the factory. This includes erasing all registers and setups, as well
as restoring all of the default settings:
1. Press Control.
2. Use the Up and Down buttons to locate Row 1 System.
3. Turn SELECT to 1.8 Initialize.
4. Press Store. The PCM 80 will display the message "Are you sure? (Press
If you don't want to reinitialize your unit, press any button except Store to
return to matrix position 1.8.
If you press Store in response to this message, the display will flash
"Restoring original factory settings" and your unit will be reinitialized.